Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Halloween 2011

   Yes I know Halloween was 8 days ago but I going to pull the triplet card and say that I have been crazy busy! Which is TRUE!! I am currently trying to prepare for the boys Dedication. I have decided to make their outfits so I have been working on them. Today I made 2 but they just don’t look PERFECT so I am going to make new ones tomorrow (cause I have so much time to be such a perfectionistSmile with tongue out) !  HA! I laugh just thinking about TIME!!

Any who, back to Halloween 2011!

    We started the weekend on Friday planning on going to a Fall party hosted by a local church. Well after about 2 hours of packing & dressing four boys in their costumes (one of which may I say was throwing a FIT!!) We headed out the door already an hour late! By the time we arrived and started unloading our brew there was supposed to be about 30 minutes of the event left. But to our dismay they started packing up the party as we were walking up. Sad smile  So we packed everyone BACK UP and headed home. We called it a practice run that went bad.

   I am proud to say the day of Halloween went MUCH smoother; maybe it was because of the practice run Winking smile

    We decided to start our Trick or Treating at the Santa Fe Zoo for “Boo at the Zoo”. I was so excited because my Quad stroller arrived just in time for us to use it!

Here is my “boat” all filled with Toy Story characters… Woody and the 3 aliens!










The Zoo was SUPER FUN! They even had a little Toy Story section set up so the children fit right in.

After the zoo we headed to Publix to trick or treat through the store.

    We managed to go through the entire store and have time to swing through Little Cesar's for a $5 pizza “yum” and make it home in time to feed the babies before we trick or treated through the neighborhood! Woo hooo!! Let me hear a cheer for US!!! That is a feat in itself!

   Here are my sweet alien trio again. Since it was a bit chilly they stayed home and helped (“aka napped) Nana & Papa hand out candy to the trick or treaters.


Jake, Ross, & Drake

   Willie had the best time Trick or Treating with his cousins AB and W his Uncle Devin brought his 4-wheeler and a trailer and pulled us all around the neighborhood! Willie LOVED ALL the candy or as he says “nandy”.







    When we got back home there were still lots of children going around the neighborhood William & Willie helped Papa & Grandma hand out candy. They had to keep reminding Willie to give the candy to the kids not take candy from them. He is too cute!

Here is a picture of Willie with his Nana & Papa


This was before ALL the candy! By the end of the night he was wound UP! He could barely sit still for a picture with his Nandy!


I would have to say this was the BEST Halloween EVER!! I just know the upcoming holidays are going to be so MUCH fun!!


1 comment:

The Marino Family said...

Those are the cutest pics!!! Looks like Willie had a wonderful time!!