8 weeks ago on August 17th, 2011 my entire family's life change more specifically in my tiny family little family of 3! But before I go into that the night before William and I took our weekly photo session of my growing belly! Here’s what it looked like… “ WARNING…. object appears larger in photo (yea right I wish!!!

I went to bed that night convinced that I had 1 MORE week in me! I was behaving in my normal “overachiever” self and wanted to make it to the specific due date we had set with our Dr.
Well Drake had OTHER plans!
At 4:30 a.m. I woke to what felt like the HARDEST kick I had EVER felt! It felt almost as Drake had kicked his way out! Then all of a sudden water started just GUSHING out!!!! And I am NOT exaggerating!!!! Drake had broke my water. And let me tell all those out there that have never felt what your water breaking….. there is NO mistaking it! You will know it!!!
My first words out as this was happening was “Oh NO! NO! NO! MAN!!!” As I crossed my legs… As if that was going to stop what was happening to me! William woke up saying, “Huh, what is going on?” I started to cry as I said , “My water just broke!” I promise I have never seen William LEAP out of bed so quickly! Things moved along fairly calmly after that. Before I knew it I was at my parents house dropping Willie off with my dad and picking up my mom. Then within a blink of an eye I was in triage and the Dr.’s were saying that they were going to deliver the babies before 9 a.m. All I could say over and over was WOW I am going to be a mother of 4 BOYS in just a few hours.

The C-Section went beautifully. I was so glad that I had my friend who is an RN and William with me. She was able to be there to hold my hand when William wasn’t allowed to. I was so surprised how smoothly things were going. I was so happy that the Dr.’s on call were so sweet, one I saw during a previous visit to triage and the other I just met that morning but she was a mother of twins which was cool. She was so sweet to take the time to carefully label where I thought each baby was so the baby that was Baby 1-Drake was delivered matching (if that makes any sense) and Baby 2- Ross and Baby 3- Jake. They even came out perfectly so that my two rhyming names were not next to each other; they had to deliver Ross before Jake.
First came Drake @ 8:34 a.m., he cried immediately…

Next came Ross @ 8:35 a.m. weighing 5.0 lbs.

Last was my sweet Jake @ 8:36 a.m. weighing 4.8 lbs.

All my fears of not being able to hold or see my babies were put to rest. I got to see each baby as they were born. As soon as Drake and Ross were evaluated I even got to hold them. Jake was having breathing issues so he had to be intubated and taken to the NICU so I didn’t get to hold him, but I did get to hold him right away.

The surgery was over before I knew it and I was back in recovery surrounded by my family. Drake and Ross were doing so well they were allowed to come see me in recovery.

They ended coming straight into the room with us. William & I were beside ourselves! And even though we weren’t able to hold Jake we felt blessed because he was doing well he just needed a little help.
Ross & Drake
As soon as I was in the room and allowed to I was wheeled to got see my youngest baby! By that point he was no longer intubated.

By the 2nd day in the hospital Jake was doing much better and was released to our room at lunch time. Once in the room Jake took turns sleeping with both of his brothers.

That afternoon William’s mom brought Willie up to the hospital to meet his new baby brothers! And on a side note I felt as though I hadn’t seen him in weeks because he looked like such a BIG boy! Anyway… he immediately wanted to touch and hold the babies. (in between running around the room that is

Our First Family Picture!

The rest of the hospital stay was pretty uneventful other than having Triplets and learning how to take care of them. By the day we were to go home we thought everyone was coming home with us, but the morning we were to go home Jake lost his temperature and was having feeding issues so he was readmitted to the NICU and we had to go home without him.
Going home without him was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. But I knew it was best for him to get strong and grow.

Bringing home Drake & Ross was bittersweet but we knew Jake would be coming home soon. We were greeted by a very excited Willie!

Jake ended up spending 11 days in the NICU. When the day came to finally bring him home we were overjoyed!! It was so sudden though that we didn’t get to dress him in his coming home outfit.

Since that day we have been getting adjusted and settling into a routine. Things were kind of crazy in the beginning, but thank goodness we were blessed to have some very special helpers that came morning noon and night to help us! They did everything from feedings & changings to housework. And we were blessed to have three full weeks of meals prepared for us by friends and family. We feel truly blessed.
Things have started to calm down, well as calm as a house can be with newborn triplet babies and a two year old. Willie has I think finally gotten used to having 3 new little brothers as well as the triplets have gotten used to a new BIG brother! Each baby is referred to as “baby” I think eventually they will each have their own name given to them by Willie! He is a wonderful helper. He gets diapers and gives paci’s , that is when he isn’t taking them away!
Overall we feel so blessed to have 4 happy healthy boys! Every night I thank God for blessing me & trusting me with each of them!